Friday, August 9, 2013

The orginal interview done by me with Chadani for Metalwarpage Magazine Malaysia..

1) tell us how you started giving vocal in metal band? beside the reason that mainly girls are not involved in this field, how you became part of it.
Chadani- thank-you bibek!
welmy metal journey stared from 2010 .Well was into it like hell from 2011 because its 1st where I meet the most wonderful friends bines nobel and abisek. Bines the manager of fall band (pronogrind) was the master of all kind of music and so he is  my inspiration in the field of music. He gave me piles of metal songs, videos, links and most important we had many interesting talks on the topic underground metal music for hours and hours.I started listening underground metal music instead of mainstream bands I prefer more underground metal music, underground bands, their music are the real shit metal music. I don’t mean that I don’t listen mainstream bands but I prefer underground bands and still in process of learning undergroundmetal music, I support local bands, gigs and try my best to attend most of it. I have many metal head friends and its nice being around them learning many more shits..
 Talking about the vocal in wakkthuu, it was the time when visal bro was searching for  female vocalistand through bines and jay ram brother ;the drummer I got the information and we planned to give it a try. So; that’s all how it began.

2) howdo you fell being a part of wakkthuu and when was your first gig and how did it go?
Chadani- well no words can explain how happy and lucky I am to be part of wakkthuu. It’s a dream come true; when I was in class 7 I develop this interest to be in band and perform and after 6 years my dream became reality and the most amazing part is, when I meet wakkthuu brothers-visaldairozandaijayramdaibufandaiprasantdai and our very own friend nishie(the other female vocalist) the metal legends, Ivelearnt many freaking things about underground metal music. Even we are not siblings by bloods we are siblings for lifetime and I appreciate them and wakkthuu noisemusic.
                     I got the greatchance to be part of wakkthuu and my first gig was metalloid event held on july 2012-jamsthan where we shared the floor with bidroha, fall ,dying out flame  the sick bands that I adore a lot, honestly it was my first time facing such a sick crowds  I was damn nervous but later I managed it; even the sound fucked up us it was the most memorable day in my life.-nostalgic feeling- (smiles…)!

3) tell us chadani, what is metal music for you and what you think about the concept of metal music in Nepalese society where people generally thinks only drug users and people who went to rehab are involve in this type of music?
Chadani- for me metal is like dhal bhattarkari-(nepalese dish) -no matter how much we suffocate to eat mo:mo pizza etc at last we die, we cling to eat dhal bhattarkari!at the end of the day its metal time! Ha..hahaa
wel in my opion I think metal music is one of the best form of art; killer art where we express our emotions-anger love hate dissatisfaction satisfaction everything but sadly these days metal music have become like fashion I don’t understand why?!-wearing metal tshrt, hearing music in loud voice, long hair with dreadlocks ,attending gig just to show  that you listen metal music!That’s not respect towards metal music, your not a metalhead! Jaa maar scenekidharu!!
Metal music sunubaneykoyabitraa(pointing to the heart)bataahunuparchak!tyoetikaenatak ta joley ne garnusakacha hah….
Society??!!Wel, Don’t let society change you instead change the society, change it with your own type, change it with music, spread metal music- true metal music- raw underground metal music!
 4) what you think about the lyrics that metal bands are carrying with them. and it is said that people are thinking that metal music are just noisy, without any lyrics and are disturbing. what do you think?
Chadani- About lyrics- honestly no one cares about the lyrics haha same goes for me I prefer the vocals; how it sounds, the rifts of the guitars-lead and these days m into bass, the beats of the drums. But if there is lyrics in the song then we give a quick look  n enjoy!
Noisy?! hell yeah I love noisy and  I am obsessed with disturbing metal music!!-let people think what they want to think- I don’t give a shit! Ha ha :p

5) There are very few girls involved in metal bands, listen to metal music and being part of it. what you want to sayabout girls who wants to be  involved in metal music and bands?
Chadani- these days girls are also involved in metal bands and listen to metal music. well, its increasing and it’s a very good sign.I also encourage my other girls to listen metal songs ,some give a quick look where some enjoy their own kinds. They are always welcome in metal field! It’s a matter of passion, don’t come in metal music or metal band if you except to earn money, pride,popularity, to model or show off or whatever; Go die before you murder yourself because that doesn’t count in real metal music in-case if you’re a poser, a scenecore  kid,no one’s going to give you a shit!! Girls out there just don’t hide in one room, just don’t depend, run after boys ;show them what girls are capable of, play the guitars, drums instead of playing with make op and unnecessary dramas!! EXPRESS it!- take metal music as ART-killer art-kill everyone with some real metal music! GILRS, you are always welcome in metal field-real metal scene.

6) how do you feel being part of metal band where you rarely earned money but have to perform in various gigs? Will that make a secure future? What are your future plans?
Chadani- its passion! I dint involve in wakkthuu to earn money, to show off!
if so then I woud be happily involved in some poser bands with some mainstream music! I excepted nothing to but to learn many more freaking things, exciting  facts, music, rifts about metal music- underground metal music- real metal music. Secure future?for thatone I got other option –do a job!! ..hahaha..
Wel I don’t know whether it will come true or not but my future planin metal field  is within 5 6 years I want to form a band- girls metal bands with the genre of death orpronogrind (highly influence from FALL band from Nepal ) more wild then pussy roit (punk Russian band) and perform many freaking wild gigs
where I except more girls headbanging and moshing and supporting our band!! i hope one day… soon ONEDAY (smiles)
killerthanxbebik \m/ \m/ :D

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